Applications for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will open Fall 2024
Here is a list of past positions that we have recruited for.
Apply to as many positions as you would like and join the CES family!
If you would just like to join the CES Listserv to get exclusive information about events, publications, and other opportunities for Economics students, join us by filling out this form!
VP of Events
What’s In It For You:
Develop relationships and connections with Department faculty and fellow Economics students who can share their experiences and help you towards your goals.
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Learn the ins-and-outs of event planning, logistics, and critical organizational skills
Duties and Responsibilities:
Join regular CES Eboard Meetings
Plan CES sponsored events, like Econ Week, Courses after the Core, Bowling with the Econ Community, Internship Workshops, and more!
Work closely with the VP of Finance to fund these events
Work closely with the VPs of Marketing and Communication to raise awareness for these events
& more!
Who We’re looking for:
Sophomores and Upperclassmen preferred
People with a love for Economics!
Strong organizational skills
VP of Communications
What’s In It For You:
Develop relationships and connections with Department faculty and fellow Economics students who can share their experiences and help you towards your goals.
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Further refine your writing and communication abilities
Learn valuable web design and development skills
Duties and Responsibilities:
Join regular CES E-Board meetings
Write and send out the CES newsletter to members, sharing tips/tricks about the Major
Manage the website and work closely with VPs of Publication to update IRT and CUER content
Work closely with VPs of Events and Marketing to promote our events to the Cornell Economics Community!
& more!
Who We’re looking for:
Sophomores and Upperclassmen preferred
People with a love for Economics!
A flair for writing, and a desire to learn!
VP of Finance
What’s In It For You:
Develop relationships and connections with Department faculty and fellow Economics students who can share their experiences and help you towards your goals.
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Gain experience in budgeting, financial planning, and teamwork by managing the financials of CES, CUER, and IRT
Duties and Responsibilities:
Join regular CES E-Board meetings
Plan, manage, and submit the regular CES semester budget
Work closely with VPs of Publication (CUER & IRT) to manage their budgetary needs for their journals
Collaborate with VP of Events to plan the logistics of CES-sponsored events\
& more!
Who we’re looking for:
Sophomores and Upperclassmen preferred
People with a love for Economics!
Prior Financial experience is an asset
VP of Marketing
What’s In It For You:
Develop relationships and connections with Department faculty and fellow Economics students who can share their experiences and help you towards your goals.
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Gain experience in various types of marketing, design, and campaigning by developing invaluable skills for the industry
Duties and Responsibilities:
Join regular CES E-Board meetings
Manage the Official CES Instagram page!
Collaborate with the VP of Communications to send marketing materials to the Cornell Economics Community
Work with the VP of Events to develop campaigns to raise excitement about CES Events
& more!
Who We’re looking for:
Sophomores and Upperclassmen preferred
People with a love for Economics!
Prior experience with Canva, social media management, and design is strongly preferred
Undergraduate Representative
What’s in it for you:
At the end of your underclassman representative year with CES, have the likely opportunity to transfer your learned skills to potentially become a VP for the E-Board for the following year!
Develop relationships and connections with Department faculty and fellow Economics students who can share their experiences and help you towards your goals
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Duties & Responsibilities:
Join regular CES E-Board meetings
Assist VP of Marketing by checking, posting, and responding to our official CES Facebook page
Help VP of Events plan out upcoming CES events, such as Econ Week, Courses after the Core, Bowling with the Econ Community, and Internship Workshops
Support the Cornell Undergraduate Economic Review by reviewing submitted papers and recruiting potential writers
Aid the Webmaster by updating and marketing our CES website
Liaise with Economics professors from Cornell & other universities to have them for our speaker series
& various other tasks!
Who we’re looking for:
Current freshmen or sophomores
People with a love for Economics!
No prior experience needed
InRealTerms Writer/Copy Editor
6-10 writers, 3-5 editors (You may apply for one or both positions)
What’s in it for you:
At the end of your writing/editing term, you will have the opportunity to apply to be editor-in-chief for the following year!
Get involved in the Economics community and network with other Economics majors
Gain analytical and writing skills
Become proficient in writing and reading about Econ news
Learn how the InRealTerms publication works.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Writers: You will write a 75-100 word paragraph each week (topics will be assigned or you can find one that interests you!)
Editors: You will be in charge of editing roughly two writers’ paragraphs
Who we’re looking for:
Freshmen and sophomores are strongly encouraged to apply, but juniors and seniors also welcome!
All majors welcome, but you should be interested in Economics
Cornell Undergraduate Economics Review (CUER) Editor
Duties & Responsibilities:
Responsible for initial round of proofreading
Ensure that written text is concise, consistent and grammatically correct
Edit spelling, usage and syntax, grammar, punctuation, and structure
Maintain clarity, coherence, and flow of written work
Cornell Undergraduate Economics Review (CUER) Referee
Duties & Responsibilities:
Act as second point of contact following initial copy-editing round
Ensure that written text is acceptable in terms of quality
Responsibilities include/Questions to Ask:
Is the work up-to-date, factually accurate, and of international interest?
Is the work appropriate in terms of theme, originality, and quality?
Does the author provide relevant evidence to support their claims?
Are interpretations and conclusions logically sound and well-supported?
Overall, does the work contribute sufficiently to its relevant discipline?